Start date (after)
Start date (before)
End date (after)
End date (before)
# Title Status Researcher Start date End date Requested data types
437 AAVSO Alert Notice 437: Campaign to monitor the recurrent nova T Pyx throughout 2011 eruption Archived AAVSO 2011-04-14 (UTC) 2011-08-01 (UTC) Photometry
434 Outburst of NSV 1436 Archived AAVSO 2011-03-28 (UTC) 2011-03-30 (UTC) Photometry
435 Alert Notice 435: V5588 Sgr = Nova Sagittarii 2011 No. 2 = PNV J18102135-2305306 [V5588 Sgr] Archived AAVSO 2011-03-27 (UTC) 2011-04-03 (UTC) Photometry
433 Request for observations of GW Lib in support of HST observations Archived AAVSO 2011-03-20 (UTC) 2011-04-18 (UTC) Photometry
431 Request to monitor SDSS074545 for HST Observations Archived AAVSO 2011-02-25 (UTC) 2011-03-14 (UTC) Photometry
430 Photometry requested of Blazar-type Quasars 3C 273 and 3C 279 Archived AAVSO 2011-01-11 (UTC) 2011-12-31 (UTC) Photometry
429 Photometry requested for three "Vestoid" Near-Earth Objects Archived AAVSO 2011-01-07 (UTC) 2011-04-17 (UTC) Photometry
427 Observing campaign on BM Ori and the Trapezium region Archived AAVSO 2010-12-01 (UTC) 2011-01-31 (UTC) Photometry
428 Monitoring requested of the peculiar cataclysmic variable FS Aurigae Archived AAVSO 2010-11-30 (UTC) 2011-03-31 (UTC) Photometry
426 Rescheduled request for observations of V455 AND in support of HST observations Archived AAVSO 2010-10-05 (UTC) 2010-10-23 (UTC) Photometry