Variable Star Plotter

Field photometry for GR Ori from the AAVSO Variable Star Database

Data includes all comparison stars within 0.15416666666666667° of RA: 05:21:34.98 [80.39575°] & Dec: 01:10:10.2 [1.1695°]

Report this sequence as X38343AOK in the chart field of your observation report.

AUID RA Dec Label V B-V Comments
000-BJN-007 05:21:35.57 [80.39820862°] 01:11:50.2 [1.19727778°] 114 11.427 (0.009)29 0.481 (0.043)
000-BJN-008 05:21:23.61 [80.34837341°] 01:15:02.7 [1.25074995°] 123 12.326 (0.012)29 0.747 (0.041)
000-BJN-009 05:21:40.51 [80.41879272°] 01:14:39.7 [1.24436116°] 130 12.969 (0.017)29 0.549 (0.046)
000-BKW-240 05:21:38.53 [80.41054535°] 01:04:05.5 [1.06819439°] 134 13.421 (0.012)29 0.469 (0.032)
000-BJN-010 05:21:24.20 [80.35083008°] 01:10:39.2 [1.17755556°] 136 13.631 (0.024)29 1.133 (0.072)
000-BKW-235 05:21:32.91 [80.38712311°] 01:05:27.0 [1.09083331°] 138 13.820 (0.028)29 1.042 (0.064)
000-BJN-011 05:21:22.03 [80.34178925°] 01:12:09.9 [1.20274997°] 140 13.969 (0.020)29 0.655 (0.069)
000-BKW-239 05:21:53.01 [80.4708786°] 01:10:05.3 [1.16813886°] 143 14.283 (0.009)29 0.665 (0.038)
000-BJN-012 05:21:27.30 [80.36374664°] 01:11:59.5 [1.19986117°] 145 14.485 (0.021)29 0.714 (0.116)
000-BKW-234 05:21:25.75 [80.35729218°] 01:12:53.4 [1.21483338°] 149 14.926 (0.040)29 0.635 (0.090)
000-BJN-014 05:21:35.46 [80.39775085°] 01:10:05.1 [1.16808331°] 151 15.141 (0.037)29 0.746 (0.079)
000-BJN-013 05:21:30.79 [80.37828827°] 01:12:11.2 [1.20311105°] 152 15.151 (0.031)29 0.823 (0.134)
000-BJN-016 05:21:37.89 [80.40787506°] 01:09:57.9 [1.16608334°] 155 15.521 (0.084)29 0.789 (0.226)
000-BJN-018 05:21:36.24 [80.40100098°] 01:10:44.9 [1.1791389°] 160 16.001 (0.033)29 0.665 (0.121)
000-BJN-019 05:21:30.35 [80.37645721°] 01:11:19.8 [1.18883336°] 164 16.410 (—)19 VSP_VOLUME_26.TXT NOMAD ID:0911-0059392 16.340Y 16.220Y 15.810B 0.33
000-BKW-237 05:21:41.31 [80.42212677°] 01:10:07.4 [1.16872227°] 165 16.533 (0.154)29 0.629 (0.288)
000-BJN-020 05:21:33.23 [80.38845825°] 01:09:47.4 [1.16316664°] 172 17.220 (—)19 VSP_VOLUME_26.TXT NOMAD ID:0911-0059411 17.460Y 16.680Y 16.160B 0.25
000-BJN-021 05:21:24.79 [80.35329437°] 01:09:28.3 [1.15786111°] 176 17.640 (—)19 VSP_VOLUME_26.TXT NOMAD ID:0911-0059357 17.540Y 17.320Y 16.830B 0.28
000-BJN-022 05:21:26.80 [80.36166382°] 01:09:47.4 [1.16316664°] 182 18.180 (—)19 VSP_VOLUME_26.TXT NOMAD ID:0911-0059373 18.160Y 17.720Y 17.390B 0.23
  • AUID is the AAVSO Unique Identifier for the star. When reporting a problem, please include this AUID.
  • Coordinates are in J2000 sexagesimal format, followed by decimal degrees
  • Search for variable stars in this field via VSX
  • Label is that star's label when plotted on an AAVSO chart, usually (but not always) its V magnitude rounded to the nearest tenth.

Source Reference Table

Footnote Source Footnote Source Footnote Source
1 Tycho-2 17 ASAS 33 SRO50
2 GSC 1.2 18 SRO 34 K35
3 GSC 2.2 19 NA 35 Landolt2007
4 USNO A2.0 20 GCPD 36 Landolt2009
5 USNO B1.0 21 SDSS 37 BSM_S
6 GCVS 4.2 22 BSC 38 UCAC3
8 2MASS 24 WBVR 40 BSM-Hamren
9 AAVSO Charts 25 DENIS 41 BSM_Berry
10 CCD Henden 26 CMC14 42 TMO61
11 Downes 27 RRLyr 43 VSX
12 Hipparcos 28 BSM_NM 44 COKER30
13 HD 29 APASS 45 BSM_HQ
14 NSV 30 W28 46 Pan-STARRS
15 ACP 0.9 31 W30 47 Landolt2013
16 TASS 32 OC61 48 GAIA DR2