Variable Star Plotter

Field photometry for S CRB from the AAVSO Variable Star Database

Data includes all comparison stars within 0.5° of RA: 15:21:23.96 [230.34983333°] & Dec: 31:22:02.6 [31.36738889°]

Report this sequence as X39665AIA in the chart field of your observation report.

AUID RA Dec Label V B-V Comments
000-BBW-042 15:20:50.08 [230.20866394°] 31:28:48.4 [31.48011017°] 69 6.892 (0.004)20 0.533 (0.030) BINO_COMP
000-BBW-107 15:23:21.22 [230.83840942°] 31:48:42.6 [31.81183243°] 80 8.049 (0.041)28 0.313 (0.064)
000-BBW-079 15:21:43.05 [230.42938232°] 30:54:28.9 [30.90802765°] 93 9.336 (0.042)28 0.256 (0.070)
000-BBW-040 15:20:48.01 [230.20004272°] 30:56:25.1 [30.94030571°] 96 9.573 (0.043)28 0.496 (0.071)
000-BBW-070 15:21:32.36 [230.38482666°] 31:18:12.4 [31.30344391°] 107 10.694 (0.030)18 0.531 (0.048)
000-BBW-091 15:22:07.41 [230.53086853°] 30:59:50.0 [30.9972229°] 113 11.323 (0.037)28 0.618 (0.098)
000-BBW-087 15:21:58.47 [230.49362183°] 30:59:57.3 [30.99925041°] 116 11.603 (0.066)28 0.739 (0.147)
000-BBW-036 15:20:32.12 [230.13383484°] 31:24:00.7 [31.40019417°] 120 12.022 (0.010)33 0.376 (0.192)
000-BBW-086 15:21:58.18 [230.49241638°] 31:19:36.5 [31.32680511°] 123 12.286 (0.037)18 0.961 (0.060)
000-BBW-082 15:21:44.36 [230.43482971°] 31:19:59.5 [31.33319473°] 125 12.495 (0.031)18 0.578 (0.048)
000-BBW-038 15:20:34.04 [230.14183044°] 31:19:59.8 [31.33327866°] 126 12.581 (0.018)33 0.481 (0.165)
000-BKC-020 15:20:55.92 [230.23300171°] 31:36:36.1 [31.61002731°] 130 13.011 (0.011)33 0.686 (0.170)
000-BBW-065 15:21:24.59 [230.35246277°] 31:10:54.0 [31.18166733°] 133 13.273 (0.010)33 0.729 (0.170)
000-BBW-081 15:21:43.75 [230.43229675°] 31:24:24.3 [31.40674973°] 134 13.404 (0.033)18 0.688 (0.053)
000-BBW-054 15:21:10.13 [230.29220581°] 31:17:23.8 [31.2899437°] 138 13.815 (0.032)18 0.744 (0.051)
000-BBW-071 15:21:33.10 [230.38792419°] 31:15:24.7 [31.25686073°] 139 13.910 (0.036)18 0.738 (0.058)
000-BKC-021 15:21:59.47 [230.49778748°] 31:24:22.0 [31.40611076°] 141 14.127 (0.038)18 0.651 (0.063)
000-BBW-062 15:21:23.16 [230.34649658°] 31:17:50.9 [31.297472°] 144 14.363 (0.033)18 0.654 (0.054)
  • AUID is the AAVSO Unique Identifier for the star. When reporting a problem, please include this AUID.
  • Coordinates are in J2000 sexagesimal format, followed by decimal degrees
  • Search for variable stars in this field via VSX
  • Label is that star's label when plotted on an AAVSO chart, usually (but not always) its V magnitude rounded to the nearest tenth.

Source Reference Table

Footnote Source Footnote Source Footnote Source
1 Tycho-2 18 SRO 35 Landolt2007
2 GSC 1.2 19 NA 36 Landolt2009
3 GSC 2.2 20 GCPD 37 BSM_S
4 USNO A2.0 21 SDSS 38 UCAC3
5 USNO B1.0 22 BSC 39 UCAC4
6 GCVS 4.2 23 LONEOS 40 BSM-Hamren
7 UCAC2 24 WBVR 41 BSM_Berry
8 2MASS 25 DENIS 42 TMO61
9 AAVSO Charts 26 CMC14 43 VSX
10 CCD Henden 27 RRLyr 44 COKER30
11 Downes 28 BSM_NM 45 BSM_HQ
12 Hipparcos 29 APASS 46 Pan-STARRS
13 HD 30 W28 47 Landolt2013
14 NSV 31 W30 48 Gaia DR2
15 ACP 0.9 32 OC61 49 Gaia DR3
16 TASS 33 SRO50
17 ASAS 34 K35