Variable Star Plotter

Field photometry for SN 2023ixf from the AAVSO Variable Star Database

Data includes all comparison stars within 0.5° of RA: 14:03:38.58 [210.91075°] & Dec: 54:18:42.1 [54.31169444°]

Report this sequence as X39791BAU in the chart field of your observation report.

AUID RA Dec Label V B-V Comments
000-BKD-627 14:01:24.41 [210.35171509°] 54:21:53.8 [54.36494446°] 91 9.062 (0.034)1 0.435 (0.062)
000-BKD-629 14:05:37.61 [211.40670776°] 54:18:41.8 [54.31161118°] 103 10.277 (0.039)29 0.533 (0.073)
000-BKD-630 14:01:43.85 [210.43270874°] 54:44:19.0 [54.73860931°] 111 11.088 (0.041)29 0.572 (0.073)
000-BKD-577 14:00:27.54 [210.11474609°] 54:11:41.1 [54.19475174°] 113 11.262 (0.041)29 0.257 (0.074)
000-BKD-527 14:03:49.86 [210.95774841°] 54:09:05.8 [54.15161133°] 117 11.735 (0.040)29 0.533 (0.070)
000-BKD-528 14:04:21.68 [211.09033203°] 54:19:22.4 [54.32288742°] 119 11.948 (0.047)29 0.624 (0.083)
000-BKD-578 14:04:42.12 [211.17550659°] 54:21:06.4 [54.35177612°] 123 12.319 (0.047)29 0.738 (0.089)
000-BKD-529 14:02:00.79 [210.5032959°] 54:23:15.8 [54.38772202°] 128 12.751 (0.031)29 0.802 (0.069)
000-BKD-530 14:01:55.32 [210.48049927°] 54:16:21.0 [54.27249908°] 131 13.094 (0.044)29 0.446 (0.078)
000-BKD-531 14:02:02.00 [210.5083313°] 54:20:43.9 [54.34552765°] 133 13.291 (0.057)29 0.897 (0.110)
000-BKD-532 14:01:49.79 [210.4574585°] 54:23:02.7 [54.38408279°] 134 13.436 (0.033)29 0.751 (0.057)
000-BKD-533 14:03:13.67 [210.80696106°] 54:15:43.4 [54.26205444°] 138 13.801 (0.046)29 0.898 (0.102)
000-BKD-534 14:02:54.17 [210.72570801°] 54:16:29.5 [54.27486038°] 140 13.991 (0.074)29 0.566 (0.130)
000-BKD-535 14:02:29.54 [210.62307739°] 54:16:55.2 [54.2820015°] 141 14.100 (0.045)29 0.859 (0.111)
  • AUID is the AAVSO Unique Identifier for the star. When reporting a problem, please include this AUID.
  • Coordinates are in J2000 sexagesimal format, followed by decimal degrees
  • Search for variable stars in this field via VSX
  • Label is that star's label when plotted on an AAVSO chart, usually (but not always) its V magnitude rounded to the nearest tenth.

Source Reference Table

Footnote Source Footnote Source Footnote Source
1 Tycho-2 18 SRO 35 Landolt2007
2 GSC 1.2 19 NA 36 Landolt2009
3 GSC 2.2 20 GCPD 37 BSM_S
4 USNO A2.0 21 SDSS 38 UCAC3
5 USNO B1.0 22 BSC 39 UCAC4
6 GCVS 4.2 23 LONEOS 40 BSM-Hamren
7 UCAC2 24 WBVR 41 BSM_Berry
8 2MASS 25 DENIS 42 TMO61
9 AAVSO Charts 26 CMC14 43 VSX
10 CCD Henden 27 RRLyr 44 COKER30
11 Downes 28 BSM_NM 45 BSM_HQ
12 Hipparcos 29 APASS 46 Pan-STARRS
13 HD 30 W28 47 Landolt2013
14 NSV 31 W30 48 Gaia DR2
15 ACP 0.9 32 OC61 49 Gaia DR3
16 TASS 33 SRO50
17 ASAS 34 K35