Proposal #142

Proposer (4603) Ray Tomlin ( obscode: TRE
Assigned To(3663) Dirk Terrell
Date SubmittedJune 27, 2020

While there are a few secondary eclipses in the AID, the primary eclipse for NU UMa is not recently recorded in the AAVSO AID.
The star is not available at my location.
I would like to use a suitable BSM at a suitable longitude. Advise if this is possible, given your telescope locations. It is fairly northerly at +58 degrees.
Ideally, it will be a two to four-hour time-series observation to catch the primary minimum at the UTC "Mid" time listed in the ephemeris.
Requesting an image per minute using only the V filter.

Exposure durations per your best judgment given your new cameras and the bright (~6 mag) stars in the FOV. NU UMa is about 9.5 .The comps are approximately magnitude 12.

There are a couple of 6th magnitude stars nearby. The image could be offset ~2 minutes to the East to avoid the bright star at the west side of the 1.8 degree FOV. The RA would then be 10 55 01.05 . No adjustment in declination is possible to avoid very bright stars. So the requested Coordinates are: RA 10 55 01.05 , DEC +57 42 08.0 .

Images should be uploaded to VPHOT. I often have 300 to 400 3-MB images in-process on VPHOT. If there is a limit to VPHOT, you may want to alert me to delete my files before you upload.
Photometry will be uploaded to the AAVSO database.

Date of observation:
Eclipses happen only when they happen.
Please choose a date from the VSX ephemeris shown here, time series centered on the mid point of the eclipse and at least a half hour before and a half hour past the mid point. The entire eclipse duration is roughly four hours and the request is to capture as much of one eclipse as possible.

VSX Ephemeris:
Epoch Start Mid End
2459034.983 04 Jul 2020 09:36 04 Jul 2020 11:35 04 Jul 2020 13:33

2459040.490 09 Jul 2020 21:47 09 Jul 2020 23:46 10 Jul 2020 01:44

2459045.998 15 Jul 2020 09:58 15 Jul 2020 11:56 15 Jul 2020 13:55

2459051.506 20 Jul 2020 22:08 21 Jul 2020 00:07 21 Jul 2020 02:06

2459057.013 26 Jul 2020 10:19 26 Jul 2020 12:18 26 Jul 2020 14:17

2459062.521 31 Jul 2020 22:30 01 Aug 2020 00:29 01 Aug 2020 02:28

Ray Tomlin

Target RA (H.HH) Dec (D.DD) Magnitude Telescope Observation Frequency Expiration Date Proprietary Term
NU UMa 10.883625 57.70222 9.5–9.27 No


(4603) Ray Tomlin — June 27, 2020, 5:08 p.m.

Alternately, using your formula for dt, An observation every 2.7 days for approximately 1 year would yield a fairly good curve.

(3663) Dirk Terrell — July 8, 2020, 2:50 p.m.

Proposal intent is good, but observing conditions make this very difficult to do at this time (site issues and eclipse timing). TAC suggests that the proposal be submitted in the January time frame if the eclipse timings are favorable.

Comments on this proposal are closed.