Proposal #305

Proposer (35150) Dr. Pradip Karmakar ( obscode: KPRB
Assigned To(3663) Dirk Terrell
Date SubmittedDec. 20, 2022

Dear Sir / Madam ,
I am an AAVSO member since 2018 and an AAVSO AMBASSADOR from India.
I have been very much impressed by the Alert Notice from AAVSO about the Eclipsing Binary - V479 And (AM Herculis-type variables).
I came to know that there are only 690 (six hundred ninety - observations) data sets in the AID database. Last date of observe was " 2022 Dec. 18.80825, 2459932.30825 ". So it would be a great opportunity to observe this star using the AAVSOnet observing facility.

I would like to find out the photometric measurement of these ccd
images using the VPhot package of AAVSO and upload that photometric measurements of the
above AM Herculis-type variables to AID.

After that I would like to study the present time of maximum light
of V479 And using Vstar involving my students under AMBASSADOR program.

For this study I would like to get ccd images using AAVSOnet section till 2023-01-31.

Observations of the cataclysmic variable V479 And have been scheduled with the Hubble Space Telescope for:

2022 December 22 21:57:07 - December 23 03:27:30 UT

Hope you will guide me in this regard.
With regards,
Pradip Karmakar

Name : Pradip Karmakar

Institution of reseacher :

Department of Mathematics, Madhyamgram High School (H.S.),
Madhyamgram, Sodepur Road, Kolkata 700129, India.

Email id (researcher) :

Here I have got the following information of the targets from VSX.

1) V479 And
Variability type: AM
VSX: RA: 00:18:56.93 [4.73720833°] & Dec: 34:54:44.2 [34.91227778°]

Period: 0.594093 d (14.2582 h)
Spectral type: WD+G8/K0IV
V Mag. Range: 16.7 - 17.9 V

CCD observations: Yes, I would like to avail CCD coverage.
DSLR observations: No. I would not like to avail DSLR coberage with BGR filters.
Visual observations: No. I would not like to avail visual observation coberage.
Filters: I would like to avail CCD observations using Johnson V and B (if possible).

Comparison and Check stars: I would like to get help about the
sequence for this target from the Sequence Team.

If possible please choose the following stars for these purpose (Comparison and Check stars):

AUID RA Dec Label V B-V Comments
000-BPC-846 00:18:40.40 [4.66833353°] 34:57:02.6 [34.95072174°] 160 16.025 (0.003) 0.691 (0.007)
000-BPC-847 00:19:06.41 [4.77670813°] 34:53:25.8 [34.89049911°] 165 16.495 (0.004) 0.762 (0.009)
000-BPC-848 00:18:38.22 [4.65924978°] 34:56:31.3 [34.94202805°] 168 16.832 (0.005) 0.847 (0.011)
000-BPC-849 00:18:37.31 [4.65545845°] 34:56:07.0 [34.93527603°] 172 17.214 (0.007) 0.863 (0.016)

Submitting observations: I would like to get the images ( bias and
dark corrected and flat filded) in my VPhot account, so that I can do
the photometry of those images (.fits OR .fit format) using VPhot. I
am very much eager to use Vphot for the photometric measurement.

Target RA (H.HH) Dec (D.DD) Magnitude Telescope Observation Frequency Expiration Date Proprietary Term
V479 And 4.737208 34.91228 16.7–17.9 MPO61 1 Jan. 30, 2023 No


(35150) Dr. Pradip Karmakar — Dec. 20, 2022, 7:09 a.m.

Please read " Observations of the cataclysmic variable V479 And (AM Herculis-type variables) " instead of " the Eclipsing Binary - V479 And (AM Herculis-type variables)".
With regards,
Pradip Karmakar

(4726) Kenneth Menzies — Dec. 24, 2022, 12:53 a.m.

Committed to both mpo61 and tmo61 until 23-01-30.

I don't think you understand cataclysmic variables well enough to productively use these images but I have submitted as you requested.

(35150) Dr. Pradip Karmakar — Jan. 20, 2023, 4:33 p.m.

The correct RA (H.HH) = 0.315814 for the star V479 And. Please do the needful and oblige me.
I have done this using the following formula:

Comments on this proposal are closed.