Proposal #339

Proposer (18393) Francisco Soldan ( obscode: AFSA
Assigned To(3663) Dirk Terrell
Date SubmittedApril 23, 2023

1) Primary Target Star: MY CAM, MISV1402
2) Star Clusters with age inferior than 10my represent an ideal laboratory for the study and characterization of star formation processes. Many of these clusters have stars in the PMS phase within a wide range from Herbig Ae/Be with masses between 3 and 10 solar masses to TTauri stars with masses less than three suns. Most of these stars present variations in their brightness due to different causes.
Together with the IAA, Instituto de AstrofĂ­sica de AndalucĂ­a (Spain) I am carrying out a systematic study of the stellar population in a sample of clusters that contain massive stars. The analysis of the variability of the member stars will provide additional information about the evolution of the circumstellar disks, the possible binarity and the evolutionary state of the stars.
This petition focuses on the Alicante 1 cluster, in Camelopardalis, (A&A 2008, 492, 441, Negueruelo&Marco), specifically on the spectroscopic binary star MY Cam, as well as other members of the group (NM 694, 695 and 696 ) plus other integrant stars in the field (MISV1402)
3) Upload to the AAVSO International Database and carry out studies together with the group of variable stars of the IAA with the appropriate mention of the AAVSO support. Specifically, the analysis of the variability period of my cam and compare it with past measurements, which will help to refine the fusion models of the two components, as well as the variability of the other components.
4) I Request Observations be sent to my VPHOT Account.
5) Magnitude Ranges: V Magnitude Range: 9.00 to 15.
6) Observations: Observation for 6 months, (10 to 15 nights per month)
7) Filter Requested: V and B
8) Exposure Times: 60-120 minutes per night, ideally taking 5-10 seconds per filter, achieving good RSR (>80). The ideal is to take alternate shots in B and V. Otherwise, on a typical night, 60 minutes in one filter, and 60 minutes in another. . The dimensions of the field must cover a minimum 7x 15 arcmin.
9) Start Date and Times suggestion: 06/01/2023, end 02/01/2024.

Target RA (H.HH) Dec (D.DD) Magnitude Telescope Observation Frequency Expiration Date Proprietary Term
MYCAM 3.988400 57.23713 10.0–12.0 BSM_NH2 1 Feb. 1, 2024 No
MISV1402 3.966660 57.25483 15.0–10.0 BSM_NH2 1 Feb. 1, 2024 No


(4726) Kenneth Menzies — April 27, 2023, 10:29 p.m.

<<Exposure Times: 60-120 minutes per night, ideally taking 5-10 seconds per filter, achieving good RSR (>80). The ideal is to take alternate shots in B and V. Otherwise, on a typical night, 60 minutes in one filter, and 60 minutes in another. . >>

Please explain what you are most interested in - one star, all bright stars or faint stars in cluster. 5-10 sec exposures have limited usefulness for faint stars. Do you want 60-120 minute time series? We can't do that every night for a long period of time. It impacts all our other proposals! Be more focused? It is a shared system.

What do you expect the period of these targets to be?

(18393) Francisco Soldan — April 28, 2023, 2:25 p.m.

Priority targets are MY Cam and misv1402. Also, as a secondary target, the bright cluster stars (i.e. NM 694, 695 and 696). The exposure is limited to not saturating the MY CAM accounts, but enough to capture stars within the range of misv1402. I understand that in filter B the exposure should be greater in time than in V. As for the series, a minimum time of 2 to 5 minutes per session would be fine if possible. Any other clarification do not hesitate to ask me.
Thank you so much

(18393) Francisco Soldan — April 28, 2023, 2:28 p.m.

Sorry, 20 to 25 minutes per session, more less

(4726) Kenneth Menzies — April 28, 2023, 9:58 p.m.

Committed to NH

(4726) Kenneth Menzies — April 28, 2023, 10:01 p.m.

Image field (90'x60') centered between two targets. See if a different center helps fit more targets.

(18393) Francisco Soldan — Aug. 6, 2023, 4:33 p.m.

I have not received any data yet.

Comments on this proposal are closed.