Proposal #461

Proposer (4838) GORDON MYERS ( obscode: MGW
Assigned To(3663) Dirk Terrell
Date SubmittedNov. 18, 2023

Dr. Margarita Karovska (Center for Astrophysics|Harvard & Smithsonian) and Ravi Sankrit (STScci) aboth request the assistance of AAVSO observers in monitoring the symbiotic binary (Mira + white dwarf) R Aqr in support of upcoming observations with Chandra and HST.

AAVSO members are providing good data except in the U band. I've been taking U band observations, but recently determined I have a leak in my U filter. Both Margarita and Ravi stated U band data is beneficial as they plan for an HST run to be scheduled in the Spring.

I'd like to see if AAVSOnet can obtain U images with an SNR ~ 20 or above.

Current magnnitudes - U~10?, B~11, and V~9

If successful, I'll submit a separate request for twice a week observations until after the HST observation.

Target coordinates are below. Be certain the FOV is adequate to also image target star 110 (000-BCR-885) or 122 (000-BCR-914). You may not be able to get all three in a single image.

AUID RA Dec Label U B V

000-BCR-885 23:43:18.31 [355.82629395°] -15:26:36.7 [-15.44352722°] 110 U=11.555 (0.001), B=11.530 (0.001), V=11.023 (0.001)
000-BCR-914 23:44:20.90 [356.08709717°] -15:19:14.2 [-15.320611°] 122 U=13.115 (0.035), B=12.879 (0.028), V=12.150 (0.023)

Target RA (H.HH) Dec (D.DD) Magnitude Telescope Observation Frequency Expiration Date Proprietary Term
R Aqr 23.730406 -15.28450 9.0–12.0 BSM_S 0 June 2, 2024 No


(4726) Kenneth Menzies — Dec. 5, 2023, 7:41 p.m.

Committed to BSM_S in SU filter

Comments on this proposal are closed.