CCD Photometry at Wesleyan University (Abstract)

Volume 21 number 1 (1992)

William Herbst
Wesleyan University, Astronomy Department, Middletwon, CT
C. Ford
Wesleyan University, Astronomy Department, Middletwon, CT
J. Treworgy
Wesleyan University, Astronomy Department, Middletwon, CT
G. Mandel
Wesleyan University, Astronomy Department, Middletwon, CT
J. Attridge
Wesleyan University, Astronomy Department, Middletwon, CT
G Vinton
Wesleyan University, Astronomy Department, Middletwon, CT


(Abstract only) The Perkin telescope, a 24-inch reflector at Van Vleck Observatory on the campus of Wesleyan University, has been equipped with a CCD and is used in a regular program of supernova and variable star monitoring. Wesleyan is part of the Keck Northeast Astronomy Consortium and, like other members, uses a CCD camera manufactured by Photometrics, Inc. Unlike other members, however, we have chosen a VME-bus controller. A Sun Sparcstation 330 is the master computer and we have modified software written by S. Schaller of the University of Arizona to allow control of the CCD from within IRAF. The telescope is used on every clear night for the monitoring programs and is operated primarily by undergraduates. We do BVRI photometry and use twilight flats and the M67 "dipper asterism" field for calibrations. The data are automatically flat-fielded and archived to 8-mm tape at the end of each night with an IRAF script. In about 1-1/2 years of observing with this system we have obtained over 20,000 frames, and have already contributed data to three journal papers and seven papers at AAS meetings. In addition, two Master's theses and three undergraduate theses have been done using this equipment. Based on our experience, we suggest strategies for developing successful CCD photometry projects for undergraudates and amateur astronomers.