Real-World CCD Imaging with Small Telescopes (Abstract)

Volume 21 number 1 (1992)

Thomas J. Balonek
Colgate University, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Hamilton, NY


(Abstract only) Amateur and professional astronomers who utilize commercial CCD systems on small telescopes in non-optical climatic regions may encounter many observational and reduction problems which make it difficult, if not impossible, to obtain as high precision CCD images as colleagues who utilize larger professional systems. The observational techniques, image reduction and analysis software packages, and analysis "strategies" which have been developed over the past decade by professional astronomers are not necessarily applicable without modification to "real-world" CCD astronomy with small telescopes. Some of the limitations imposed by the atmosphere, telescope, CCD camera systems computers, and software that affect astronomical CCD imaging projects at small observatories, including how to determine the effects they have on the precision of the photometric or astrometric results are discussed. Some observing and reduction strategies and recommended tests to evaluate peculiar properties of one's system are presented.