Photoelectric Photometry of TX Psc, alpha Her A, omicron Cet, and RT Cyg

Volume 26 number 1 (1998)

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Richard P. Wasatonic
170 Hillside Drive


Photoelectric observations at 5500A have been conducted on the Lb carbon star TX Psc as part of the AAVSO Small Amplitude Red Variable program; the observed light curve from 1990 through 1995 indicates a semiregular variation with a cycle length of approximately 220 days, rather than complete irregularity. Photoelectric (V) observations were also made on the SRc variable alpha Her A; a beat period of 277 days with an amplitude of 0.8 magnitude was found. The Mira-type variables o Cet and RT Cyg have recently been observed in V and three narrow-band filters in the near infrared. Results from the first two months of observations are shown.