The "Pre-Embryonic" State of the AAVSO: Amateur Observers of Variable Stars in the United States from 1875 to 1911

Volume 27 number 2 (1999)

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Michael Saladyga


For 35 years before the formation of the AAVSO, independent amateur variable star astronomers in the United States were making significant contributions to the field. Skilled, dedicated individuals like S.C. Chandler, E.F. Sawyer, and P.S. Yendell laid the foundation in variable star work that was expanded upon by Harvard College Observatory Director E.C. Pickering, under whose direction a new generation of enthusiastic amateur and professional astronomers continued to further the cause of variable star research. This paper is a survey of the contributions made by several independent amateur variable star astronomers, and it is also a chronology of the growth of a broader, more popularized, amateur involvement in variable star astronomy which led to the organization of the AAVSO in 1911.