William Tyler, Meet Janet: How Two Extraordinary People Made Variable Stars Accessible to the Rest of Us (Abstract)

Volume 33 number 1 (2005)

David H. Levy


(Abstract only) The idea of watching a point of light brighten and fade over a specific period of time is not always an “easy sell”— there are some very good amateur astronomers who have embraced the planets, comets, and deep sky observing while leaving variables alone. Like fine wines, variable star observing can be an acquired taste. Fortunately, over the decades, some people have dedicated their careers and lives to making the field accessible to the larger community of lovers of the stars. This presentation celebrates the work of two of these champions—William Tyler Olcott and Janet Mattei, two mentors who transformed variable star observing into a field that touches the hearts of their generations. They both combined knowledge and enthusiasm for variables with an uncanny way of reaching out to people. Variable stars would not be the field it is today were it not for the efforts of these very special astronomers.