The Rice University CCD Imager for the AEOS Telescope (Abstract)

Volume 33 number 1 (2005)

R. I. Dufour
I. A. Smith
L. C. Hardin
et al.


(Abstract only) We describe the details of our new versatile CCD imager (RUCCD) that has recently been constructed for use on the AEOS telescope. It is a flexible instrument capable of performing imaging photometry, spectroscopy, and polarimetry of both bright and faint sources. It will be in a permanent state of readiness for making observations. Its primary objective will be performing comprehensive studies of the early emission from gamma-ray burst counterparts. However, it will be made available to the United States Air Force and other visiting scientists. The RUCCD was successfully installed and aligned in Coudé room 6 of the AEOS 3.63m telescope at Haleakala, Maui, Hawaii on 2004 February 3-4 and several test images of astronomical objects made. Examples of two of the objects observed (Saturn and the planetary nebula NGC 2392) are presented here.