The RXTE, ROSAT, IUE, EUVE, Optical Campaign Covering the 45-day Supercycle of V1159 Orionis (Abstract)

Volume 35 number 1 (2007)

P. Szkody
K. Honeycutt
J. Robertson
A. Silber
D. W. Hoard
L. Pastwick


(Abstract only) A comprehensive data set covering the superoutburst and 8 outbursts of the 45-day supercycle of the dwarf nova V1159 Ori was obtained in February–March 1996. The use of RXTE, ROSAT, IUE, and EUVE satellites, combined with ground-based optical photometry and spectroscopy, provided a broad picture of the accretion disk at different states. Results include an inverse correlation of the X-ray with the UV/optical fluxes, an outflowing wind during all outbursts, and large changes in the disk spectrum on time scales of less than a day. These results are compared to other dwarf novae and general theories of dwarf nova outbursts