Light and Color Curves of the Unusual Slow Nova LMC 2005

Volume 35 number 2 (2007)

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William Liller
Center for Nova Studies, Casilla 5022, ViƱa del Mar, Chile
Bernard Heathcote
Barfold Observatory, 165 Sievers Lane, Glenhope, Victoria, 3444, Australia
Giorgio Di Scala
Carnes Hill Observatory, Sydney, NSW, 2171, Australia
William Allen
Alvine Estate, Vintage Lane, RD 3, Blenheim, New Zealand


Nova LMC 2005 was discovered on November 26, 2005, at approximate magnitude 11.5. Fainter photographic images were detected four nights earlier, and the ASAS-3 sky survey recorded it at V = 11.695 one night before discovery. Its evolution thereafter was closely followed in V, B, and R by the four of us, and the decline found to be slow with sizeable fluctuations. We present herewith the observational data and comment on their significance.