In the Hunt for Variable Stars: Digging Into the Data Mine (Abstract)

Volume 35 number 2 (2007)

Theo Jones
Pebble Richwine


(Abstract only) Theo Jones, thirteen years old and in the seventh grade, is a finalist in the 2006 Discovery Channel Young Scientist Challenge. He has a strong interest in astronomy and physics, as well as computer programming. He has attended several astronomy camps facilitated by the Conceptual Astronomy and Physics Education Research (CAPER) team at the University of Arizona. He is currently working with Pebble Richwine, a member of the CAPER team, at the University of Arizona using the curriculum packet “In the Hunt for Variable Stars.” He is here presenting data results from studying the following variables: V558 AQL, NSV 12374, and GX Aql. Software applications utilized include: fitsview, astrometrica, and mira 6.