Hands-On Astrophysics and the Science Olympiad (Abstract)

Volume 36 number 2 (2008)

Donna L. Young


(Abstract only) The Hands-On Astrophysics curriculum package is being converted to a web-based product in PDF format. Most of the student chapters have now been converted, with images substitutions and minor text revisions. It is anticipated that the entire student and teacher pages will be converted by spring. The pages will soon be placed on the AAVSO website so that AAVSO staff can enhance the materials with internal links and other materials. The membership is invited to view the status of the chapters and give input as to what should be done to improve Hands-On Astrophysics for amateur astronomers. Also, these materials as well as the AAVSO website are major resources for the National Science Olympiad high school astronomy event. There are other sites with Science Olympiad resources as well, and these will be shown to the membership so that if they are invited to assist Science Olympiad coaches with variable star astronomy, they will know where the resources are and how they can best meet the needs of the coaches.