Hawaii Student/Teacher Astronomy Research (HI STAR) Outcomes (Abstract)

Volume 38 number 1 (2010)

Mary Ann Kadooka


(Abstract only) Outcomes of Hawaii Student/Teacher Research (HI STAR) program are: 1. Support grade 7–11 students in Hawaii to conduct authentic astronomy research projects worthy of Science Fair entry. 2. Provide HI STAR alumni pursuing science and mathematics majors in college with summer research opportunities. 3. Establish an astronomy mentoring program to support the students undertaking Science Fair projects. We will discuss how we have been able to realize these goals due to having passionate, motivated 12–16 year old students, dedicated astronomer mentors, committed parents and teachers and other supporters for our program. Our major grant funding is over, but we will continue HI STAR. We continue to expand our program. We will have our HI STAR alumnus, Mimi Hang, now a sophomore at Mt. Holyoke College, discuss her research on Debris Disks in the AB Doradus Moving Group. She was fortunate enough to work at the Space Telescope Science Institute operated for AURA for NASA as an undergraduate researcher this past summer.