The Park in the Sky (Abstract)

Volume 38 number 1 (2010)

John Pazmino


(Abstract only) Parks in towns are favorite spots for stargazing. They commonly have open sky exposure, quiet surrounds, trees to block local lights, proximity to conveniences and transport. In New York City the prime park for astronomy is Central Park through the Top of the Lawn clear sky star viewing sessions on weekends. When a new park opens, astronomers inquire after its utility for stargazing. This was the case on Manhattan when the new High Line opened in June of 2009. But this park is a bit different than the typical center-city park. It’s a park in the sky, built on an abandoned elevated railway. The slides shows High Line by day and evening to illustrate its history and features. These demonstrate how the High Line in its few months of its operation became a new habitat for stargazers on each clear evening.