Minima of Some Eclipsing Binaries (Abstract)

Volume 38 number 2 (2010)

Alexandre Amorim


(Abstract only) This paper shows a list containing fourteen southern eclipsing binaries, not much observed, and sixty-two dates of minima. 394 visual observations were computed, considering that 86% of them were made by Alves and 14% by Amorim. The main goal is update the elements for each star, providing useful guide to future visual, photoelectric and CCD observations. All the dates were obtained by the bi-sectioned chords. The chosen binaries are: SY Ara, LU Ara, GW Car, SS Cen, BD Cen, T Cir, TT Cru, DT Lup, FK Lup, NP Pav, RV Tel, RR TrA, V Tuc, and RR Vel. Phased light curves of these binaries are available.