The Visual Era of the AAVSO Eclipsing Binary Program

Volume 40 number 1 (2012)

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David B. Williams
P. O. Box 58, Whitestown, IN 46075;
Marvin E. Baldwin
8655 N. Co. Road 775E, Butlerville, IN 47223;
Gerard Samolyk
P. O. Box 20677, Greenfield, WI 53220;


The beginning of eclipsing binary minima timings by visual observers in North America is described, and the history of the AAVSO’s Eclipsing Binary Committee during the era of visual observation is outlined, with particular attention to the observational programs, the production of charts and ephemerides, and the reduction and publication of the minima timings. During the period 1965-2005, AAVSO observers timed more than 17,000 minima, determined periods and light-curve types for neglected and newly discovered eclipsing binaries, and improved the light elements and corrected erroneous periods for many more.