Intensive Observations of Cataclysmic, RR Lyrae, and High Amplitude delta Scuti (HADS) Variable Stars

Volume 40 number 1 (2012)

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Franz-Josef Hambsch
Oude Bleken 12, Mol 2400, Belgium;


An intensive observing campaign is ongoing to study cataclysmic, RR Lyrae (with and without Blazhko effect), and High Amplitude d Scuti (HADS) variable stars. These observations are based on requests and in collaboration with different organisations (CBA, VSNET, GEOS) and individuals. Observations are taken from my private observatories in Belgium, Chile, and through shared use of an observatory belonging to the AAVSOnet in New Mexico. Examples of individual stars intensively followed-up on are: CD Ind and BW Scl, two cataclysmic variables; NU Aur, an RR Lyr star with strong Blazhko effect; and GSC0762-0110, a HADS star. Many publications in different journals including Astronomy and Astrophysics have already emerged from this research.