Asteroid Photometry and the ALPO Minor Planets Section (Abstract)

Volume 6 number 1 (1977)

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Derek N. Wallentine


The ALPO Minor Planet Section is developing a program of asteroid photometry and invites interested observers to participate. The goal is to determine the periods of rotation, valuable in physical studies of these bodies. Photoelectric photometry is the most powerful method, but systematic visual observations can be valuable. Predictions of passages of minor planets through the AAVSO chart fields are published in the Secion's Minor Planet Bulletin and additionally distributed to active observers. Suitable photometry report forms are available free of charge. In August of 1974, three members of the Section redetermined and corrected the period of 18 Melpomene. Other successes have included 41 Daphne, 270 Anahita, and 1580 Betulia.