Variability of Young Stars: the Importance of Keeping an Eye on Children (Abstract)

Volume 41 number 1 (2013)

William Herbst
Astronomy Department, Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT 06459;


(Abstract only) I will review the state of our understanding of young stars with an emphasis on how and why they vary in brightness. The main causes of the variations will be reviewed, including the rotation of spotted weak-lined T Tauri stars, accretion onto classical T Tauri stars, the eruptive behavior of FUors, and the enigmatic variations of the UXors. The important role that amateurs have and will continue to play in these studies is highlighted. I will also discuss the latest results on two unusual young binaries, BM Orionis in the Trapezium asterism and KH 15D in NGC 2264.