V784 Ophiuchi: an RR Lyrae Star With Multiple Blazhko Modulations

Volume 41 number 2 (2013)

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Pierre! de Ponthière
15 Rue Pré Mathy, Lesve, Profondeville 5170, Belgium; address email correspondence to pierredeponthiere@gmail.com
Franz-Josef Hambsch
12 Oude Bleken, Mol, 2400, Belgium
Tom Krajci
P.O. Box 1351, Cloudcroft, NM 88317
Kenneth Menzies
318A Potter Road, Framingham, MA 01701


The results of an observation campaign of V784 Ophiuchi over a time span of two years have revealed a multi-periodic Blazhko effect. A Blazhko effect for V784 Oph has not been reported previously. From the observed light curves, 60 pulsation maxima have been measured. The Fourier analyses of the (O-C) values and of magnitudes at maximum light (Mmax) have revealed a main Blazhko period of 24.51 days but also two other secondary Blazhko modulations with periods of 34.29 and 31.07 days. A complete light curve Fourier analysis with period04 has shown triplet structures based on main and secondary Blazhko frequencies close to the reciprocal of Blazhko periods measured from the 60 pulsation maxima.