Eighteen New Variable Stars in Cassiopeia and Variability Checking for NSV 364

Volume 41 number 2 (2013)

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Riccardo Furgoni
Keyhole Observatory MPC K48, Via Fossamana 86, S. Giorgio di Mantova (MN), Italy; riccardo.furgoni@alice.it and AAMN Gorgo Astronomical Observatory MPC 434, S. Benedetto Po (MN), Italy


I report the discovery of eighteen new variable stars in Cassiopeia: eight pulsating (2MASS J00584964+5909260; GSC 03680-00667; GSC 03680-01320; GSC 03680-01488; 2MASS J02472793+6149024; GSC 04047-01118; GSC 04047-01418; GSC 04051-01789), six eclipsing (GSC 03680-00423; 2MASS J02443720+6143091; GSC 04047-00381; GSC 04047-00558; GSC 04051-02027; GSC 04051-02533), three rotating (ALS 6430; 2MASS J01020513+5912394; GSC 04051-01669), and one eruptive (GSC 04051-02483). The suspected variable star NSV 364 was checked for variability in six nights of observations and in the complete SuperWasp survey dataset; no variability was detected.