Periodic Brightness Fluctuations in the 2012 Outburst of SN 2009ip (Abstract)

Volume 41 number 2 (2013)

John Martin
Universtiy of Illinois at Springfield Observatory, One University Plaza, MS HSB 314, Springfield, IL 62704;


(Abstract only) In September 2012, the supernova impostor SN 2009ip in NGC 7259 had what some have theorized was its final outburst and terminal explosion as a type II-n supernova. Our Pro-Am collaboration observed this event with high temporal cadence in V, R, and I bands. Analysis of our data reveals a periodic fluctuation on the order of weeks (with several harmonics) in the de-trended light curve after peak brightness. We have verified that this is not an instrumental effect in that it also appears in data from other unrelated instruments. In this talk will present our data and findings.