SkyGlowNet Sky Brightness Meter (iSBM) Nodes: Cerritos Observatory Station, Tucson, Arizona, and Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado (Abstract)

Volume 42 number 2 (2014)

Roger B. Culver
Department of Physics, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523
Erin M. Craine
STEM Laboratory, Inc., Tucson, AZ 85745;
Heather Michalak
Department of Physics, Colorado State Universtiy, Fort Collins, CO 80523;


(Abstract only) We present a summary of nearly continuous night-time sky brightness photometry from a ground static survey (GSS) conducted by STEM Laboratory, Inc., at the Global Network of Astronomical Telescopes (GNAT) Cerritos Observatory site in the Tucson Mountain foothills to the west of Tucson, Arizona. We show numerous examples of different sky conditions and their impacts on high-frequency sky brighteness measures. During that time period, a similar installation was established at Colorado State University. We also address problems and solutions related to institutional barriers to that installation.