A Report on West Mountain Observatory Observations for the KELT Follow-up Observing Network (Abstract)

Volume 43 number 1 (2015)

Michael Joner
Brigham Young University, Department of Physics and Astronomy, N488 ESC, Provo, UT 84602; xxcygni@gmail.com


(Abstract only) The Kilodegree Extremely Little Telescope (KELT) project is a ground-based observational system that is dedicated to searching for exoplanet planet candidates 8<V<10by photometrically detecting suspected transit events. Brigham Young University astronomers have participated as part of the KELT Follow-up Observing Network for the past year with observations from various small telescopes including the three small research telescopes located at the West Mountain Observatory. This presentation will report on the structure of the KELT project and examine some of the observations that have been made with telescopes at the West Mountain Observatory.