Seventeen New Variable Stars Detected in Vulpecula and Perseus

Volume 43 number 2 (2015)

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Riccardo Furgoni
Keyhole Observatory MPC K48, Via Fossamana 86, S. Giorgio di Mantova (MN), Italy, and AAMN Gorgo Astronomical Observatory MPC 434, S. Benedetto Po (MN), Italy;


I report the discovery of seventeen new variable stars in the Northern Sky: three eclipsing (GSC 02129-00759; GSC 02129-00947; GSC 02869-02559), one eruptive (GSC 02856-02521), ten pulsating (2MASS J19305329+2558520; GSC 02129-00537; 2MASS J19323543+2524000; 2MASS J19263580+2616428; HD 275169; GSC 02869-00313; GSC 02869-01981; GSC 02856-01391; GSC 02860-01552; GSC 02856-01465) and three rotating (one of which is suspected) (GSC 02142-01107; GSC 02856-00169; GSC 02865-01593).