A Photometric Study of Three Eclipsing Binary Stars (Poster abstract)

Volume 44 number 2 (2016)

Austin Ryan
University of Nebraska at Kearney Department of Physics, Bruner Hall of Science, 2401 11th Avenue, Kearney, NE 68849


(Abstract only) As part of a program to study eclipsing binary stars that exhibit the O’Connell Effect (OCE) we are observing a selection of binary stars in a long term study. The OCE is a difference in maximum light across the ligthcurve possibly cause by starspots. We observed for 7 nights at McDonald Observatory using the 30-inch telescope in July 2015, and used the same telescope remotely for a total of 20 additional nights in August, October, December, and January. We will present lightcurves for three stars from this study, characterize the OCE for these stars, and present our model results for the physical parameters of the star making up each of these systems.