Observations of Transiting Exoplanet Candidates Using BYU Facilities (Abstract)

Volume 46 number 1 (2018)

Michael D. Joner, Eric G. Hintz, Denise C. Stephens
Brigham Young University, Department of Physics and Astronomy, N488 ESC, Provo, UT 84602; xxcygni@gmail.com


(Abstract only) During the past five years, faculty and student observers at Brigham Young University have actively participated in observations of candidate objects as part of the follow-up network of observers for the KELT transiting exoplanet survey. These observations have made use of several small telescopes at the main campus Orson Pratt Observatory and adjacent observing deck, as well as the more remote West Mountain Observatory. Examples will be presented in this report to illustrate the wide variety of objects that have been encountered while securing observations for the KELT Follow-up Network. Many of these observations have contributed to publications that include both faculty and student researchers as coauthors.