Conducting the Einstein Gravitational Deflection Experiment (Abstract)

Volume 47 number 1 (2019)

Richard L. Berry
22614 N. Santiam Highway, Lyons, OR 97358;


(Abstract only) In this presentation, I describe our experiment and results from the Einstein Eclipse Experiment carried out at Alpaca Meadows Observatory at the August 21, 2017, solar eclipse. For those intending to carry out a similar experiment at future solar eclipses, I describe the pitfalls we encountered and our successes in pre-eclipse preparation, image acquisition, data extraction, and data reduction. Thanks to PCC Sylvania’s Dr. Toby Dittrich, students Andrew Jozwiak, Steve Pinkston, Abraham Salazar, and Jacob Sharkansky, participant Jeremy Britton, and donor David Vernier, and special thanks to Donald Bruns for his generous help and advice.