Helen Sawyer Hogg: One Woman’s Journey with the Stars (Abstract)

Volume 47 number 2 (2019)

Maria J. Cahill
College of Science and Humanities, Husson University, 117 Beardsley Meeting House, 1 College Circle, Bangor, Maine 04401; cahillm@husson.edu


(Abstract only) Helen Hogg (1905–1993), Canada’s premier female astronomer and science writer, appeared to live a blessed life with a successful career. Not only did she rise through the academic ranks at the University of Toronto, but a list of her awards and honors fills more than one page. As we look back at Helen’s life, we see success, but we do not immediately notice that her journey as an astronomer and science writer was complex; the road she travelled was full of twists and turns which she strategically navigated. This paper will illuminate some of the personal and professional forces that influenced Helen’s work and supported her along her journey, demonstrating how she remains a model for future scientists.