U, B, V, Rc, Ic Photometric Observations of the Dwarf Nova DX Andromedae During the Years 2018–2019

Volume 48 number 2 (2020)

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Corrado Spogli
Via Palazzolo 21 Frazione, Spada 06020 Gubbio (PG), Italy; corradospogli@yahoo.it
Gianni Rocchi
Via Achille Grandi 14, 06038 Spello (PG), Italy; giannirocchi2@gmail.com
Dario Vergari
Via Cantalmaggi 24, 06024 Gubbio (PG), Italy
Stefano Ciprini
Space Science Data Center, Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (SSDC-ASI), I-00133, Roma, Italy, and Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), Sezione di Roma Tor Vergata, I-00133, Roma, Italy; stefano.ciprini.asdc@gmail.com


In this paper we present U, B,V, Rc, Ic photometric observations of the dwarf nova DX Andromedae made in the years 2018–2019 at the private Rocchi observatory located in Spello (Umbria). We observed the variable for 86 nights in B, V, Rc, Ic photometric filters. We detected an outburst of this dwarf nova. We summarize the significant variations in the color indices during the outburst cycle and in the minimum phase.