Studies of Exoplanets with Candidate TOI 717.01 and Confirmed HAT-P-3b (Abstract)

Volume 48 number 2 (2020)

Sujay Nair
Stanford Online High School, Academy Hall Floor 2 8853, 415 Broadway, Redwood City, CA 94063;,
Krithi Koodli
Stanford Online High School, Academy Hall Floor 2 8853, 415 Broadway, Redwood City, CA 94063;
Elliott Chalcraft
Stanford Online High School, Academy Hall Floor 2 8853, 415 Broadway, Redwood City, CA 94063;
Kalée Tock
Stanford Online High School, Academy Hall Floor 2 8853, 415 Broadway, Redwood City, CA 94063;


(Abstract only) Images of the exoplanets TOI 717.01, Qatar-8 b, and HAT-P-3 b were requested in the w-filter from the Las Cumbres Observatory 0.4-meter telescopes. Of these requests, images were taken of TOI 717.01 and HAT-P-3 b and were reduced using the EXOplanet Transit Interpretation Code (EXOTIC) software, as well as 6 photometric algorithms from the Our Solar Siblings pipeline. HAT-P-3 b’s transit midpoint was found to be 2458907.6205, which is 20.2 minutes different from its expected midpoint that night. For TOI 717.01, the transit was not discernible, likely due to its low transit depth of 0.1%. It is possible that one of the comparison stars in the TOI 717.01 field is variable.