Light Curve Analysis of 185 YSOs: New Periods Discovered for 9 Stars

Volume 49 number 1 (2021)

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Joshua R. Hamilton
Citizen Scientist, Disk Detective Project (NASA); Lansing, MI 48912;


Using AAVSO’s VStar software, all 185 YSOs listed in the AAVSO’s Target Tool were analyzed using the Date Compensated Discrete Fourier Transform (DCDFT) algorithm, searching for periodicity. Light curves created from the AID (AAVSO International Database) data and ASAS-SN data were used for this analysis. Of the 185 YSO candidates analyzed, new semiregular periods were discovered for nine stars. The remaining 176 YSO candidates analyzed did not show significant semiregular periodicity, were unable to be analyzed due to the lack of enough usable data, or already had periods listed in VSX or ASAS-SN.