Southern Eclipsing Binary Minima and Light Elements in 2020

Volume 49 number 2 (2021)

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Tom Richards
Pretty Hill Observatory, POB 323, Kangaroo Ground, VIC 3097, Australia;
Roy A. Axelsen
P.O. Box 706, Kenmore, QLD 4069, Australia;
Mark Blackford
Congarinni Observatory, Congarinni, NSW 2447, Australia;
Robert Jenkins
Theta Observatory, Salisbury, SA 5108, Australia;
David J. W. Moriarty
School of Mathematics and Physics, The University of Queensland, QLD 4072, Australia;


We present 246 times of minima of 77 southern hemisphere eclipsing binary stars acquired in 2020. These observations were acquired and analyzed by the authors, who are members of the Southern Eclipsing Binary group of Variable Stars South (VSS) (, using CCD detectors. For four of the systems we have derived updated light elements and present those as well as O–C values for the VSS minima. This paper is the sixth in a series by Richards et al.