The Photometric Period of PGIR22akgylf (Nova Cygni 2022)

Volume 50 number 2 (2022)

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Richard E. Schmidt
1810 35th Street NW, Washington, DC 20007;


A photometric study of the galactic nova PGIR22akgylf (Nova Cygni 2022) was undertaken at the Burleith Observatory in Washington, DC. A total of 1,075 CCD observations were obtained over a time span of 32.1 days, yielding an observed period 4.140 h ± 0.003 h, of amplitude 0.008 magnitude IC. The epoch (HJD) of minimum light was 2459838.54041 (2022 September 16.0404 UT). A suspected ZTF variable in the field of the nova, GSC 02678-01797, was found to be multi-periodic.