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Found 2841 records.

# Target Observer Julian Date UTC Date Magnitude Type
44465067 SS CYG HAV 2449792.8715 1995-03-16 08:54 12.0 1
43465272 EM CYG BMK 2449792.9028 1995-03-16 09:40 12.9 1
44465068 SS CYG KMA 2449792.9340 1995-03-16 10:24 11.9 1
1264414098 EX HYA WPX 2449793.0186 1995-03-16 12:26 13.2 1
1266217012 U GEM AB 2449793.0990 1995-03-16 14:22 13.8 1
57819951 EX HYA HOX 2449793.1890 1995-03-16 16:32 12.7 1
39306353 VW HYI OB 2449793.2000 1995-03-16 16:48 12.0 1
40400707 Z CAM KWO 2449793.2743 1995-03-16 18:34 11.9 1
40255611 U GEM MPR 2449793.2882 1995-03-16 18:55 13.3 1
39306354 VW HYI HJN 2449793.3000 1995-03-16 19:11 12.9 1
40255612 U GEM SPK 2449793.3300 1995-03-16 19:55 12.8 1
40255613 U GEM OJR 2449793.4200 1995-03-16 22:04 13.3 1
40339440 YZ CNC OJR 2449793.4300 1995-03-16 22:19 13.3 1
40400708 Z CAM OJR 2449793.4300 1995-03-16 22:19 11.7 1
1258951512 Z CAM GZN 2449793.4300 1995-03-16 22:19 11.6 1
41316357 EX HYA OB 2449793.5000 1995-03-17 00:00 13.0 1