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Found 2841 records.

# Target Observer Julian Date UTC Date Magnitude Type
40255144 U GEM BRJ 2449769.5292 1995-02-21 00:42 14.5 1
40339154 YZ CNC BRJ 2449769.5382 1995-02-21 00:55 13.0 1
44464939 SS CYG DLA 2449769.5687 1995-02-21 01:38 11.8 1
38590982 RX AND DLA 2449769.5756 1995-02-21 01:48 10.6 1
40255145 U GEM YRK 2449769.5800 1995-02-21 01:55 14.3 1
38590983 RX AND YRK 2449769.5830 1995-02-21 01:59 11.0 1
38786732 AR AND YRK 2449769.5840 1995-02-21 02:00 15.5 1
40400353 Z CAM YRK 2449769.5860 1995-02-21 02:03 13.3 1
38786733 AR AND DLA 2449769.5909 1995-02-21 02:10 13.0 1
40255146 U GEM DLA 2449769.6180 1995-02-21 02:49 13.8 1
38786734 AR AND BTH 2449769.6201 1995-02-21 02:52 12.5 1
40339155 YZ CNC YRK 2449769.6220 1995-02-21 02:55 12.0 1
40339156 YZ CNC DLA 2449769.6250 1995-02-21 03:00 12.6 1
40255147 U GEM FCA 2449769.6257 1995-02-21 03:01 13.3 1
40339157 YZ CNC YRK 2449769.6350 1995-02-21 03:14 12.1 1
38590984 RX AND KB 2449769.6424 1995-02-21 03:25 10.7 1
40255148 U GEM BTH 2449769.6444 1995-02-21 03:27 13.3 1
38997927 RW TRI YRK 2449769.6450 1995-02-21 03:28 13.5 1
40339158 YZ CNC BTH 2449769.6549 1995-02-21 03:43 12.3 1
40400354 Z CAM BTH 2449769.6583 1995-02-21 03:47 12.5 1
40255149 U GEM KB 2449769.6792 1995-02-21 04:18 14.2 1
38590985 RX AND AB 2449769.7180 1995-02-21 05:13 10.5 1
44464940 SS CYG SPK 2449769.7200 1995-02-21 05:16 12.3 1
40255150 U GEM AB 2449769.7290 1995-02-21 05:29 13.8 1
40339159 YZ CNC AB 2449769.7300 1995-02-21 05:31 12.2 1