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Found 2841 records.

# Target Observer Julian Date UTC Date Magnitude Type
57700651 WX HYI HGC 2449776.8390 1995-02-28 08:08 13.1 1
57871181 VW HYI HOX 2449776.8810 1995-02-28 09:08 12.9 1
41316312 EX HYA JA 2449777.1611 1995-02-28 15:51 12.7 1
38907887 WX HYI SJX 2449777.2000 1995-02-28 16:48 12.5 1
38591061 RX AND GUN 2449777.2700 1995-02-28 18:28 13.1 1
40400439 Z CAM WDM 2449777.2861 1995-02-28 18:51 12.9 1
40255300 U GEM GUN 2449777.2900 1995-02-28 18:57 14.3 1
39306282 VW HYI SJX 2449777.3000 1995-02-28 19:11 12.4 1
40339249 YZ CNC GUN 2449777.3100 1995-02-28 19:26 11.9 1
40400440 Z CAM GUN 2449777.3100 1995-02-28 19:26 12.9 1
1257975873 RX AND GZN 2449777.3100 1995-02-28 19:26 13.3 1
38591062 RX AND KHL 2449777.3140 1995-02-28 19:32 13.6 1
38997933 RW TRI KHL 2449777.3190 1995-02-28 19:39 13.2 1
40255301 U GEM KHL 2449777.3210 1995-02-28 19:42 13.8 1
40255302 U GEM WDM 2449777.3236 1995-02-28 19:45 13.8 1
40339250 YZ CNC KHL 2449777.3250 1995-02-28 19:48 11.9 1
40400441 Z CAM KHL 2449777.3280 1995-02-28 19:52 13.1 1
40339251 YZ CNC KHL 2449777.4090 1995-02-28 21:48 12.0 1
40255303 U GEM KIL 2449777.5000 1995-03-01 00:00 14.0 1
44464961 SS CYG FKJ 2449777.5000 1995-03-01 00:00 12.0 1
38591063 RX AND LBG 2449777.5833 1995-03-01 01:59 14.0 1
40400442 Z CAM LBG 2449777.5903 1995-03-01 02:10 12.4 1
40255304 U GEM LBG 2449777.5965 1995-03-01 02:18 13.8 1
40255305 U GEM SAH 2449777.6510 1995-03-01 03:37 14.4 1
40339252 YZ CNC SAH 2449777.6580 1995-03-01 03:47 12.9 1