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Found 2841 records.

# Target Observer Julian Date UTC Date Magnitude Type
40400475 Z CAM OJR 2449779.4500 1995-03-02 22:48 11.1 1
1258951508 Z CAM GZN 2449779.4500 1995-03-02 22:48 11.1 1
42685595 AM HER KHL 2449779.4630 1995-03-02 23:06 13.0 1
40255353 U GEM KHL 2449779.4650 1995-03-02 23:09 14.1 1
40339285 YZ CNC ONJ 2449779.4690 1995-03-02 23:15 13.6 1
40255354 U GEM ONJ 2449779.4770 1995-03-02 23:26 14.3 1
39306287 VW HYI AAA 2449779.5000 1995-03-03 00:00 12.0 1
38591089 RX AND HTY 2449779.5055 1995-03-03 00:07 13.5 1
38591090 RX AND ZRE 2449779.5080 1995-03-03 00:11 13.6 2
38786775 AR AND HTY 2449779.5180 1995-03-03 00:25 13.4 1
38997934 RW TRI HTY 2449779.5194 1995-03-03 00:27 13.1 1
38786776 AR AND BRJ 2449779.5200 1995-03-03 00:28 15.5 1
38591091 RX AND BRJ 2449779.5208 1995-03-03 00:29 13.8 1
38591092 RX AND MOW 2449779.5250 1995-03-03 00:35 13.7 1
38786777 AR AND SWT 2449779.5431 1995-03-03 01:02 13.0 1
40255355 U GEM SWT 2449779.5451 1995-03-03 01:04 14.2 1
38591093 RX AND MRV 2449779.5500 1995-03-03 01:11 12.2 1
44464973 SS CYG LBG 2449779.5514 1995-03-03 01:14 11.9 1
40400476 Z CAM HAB 2449779.5521 1995-03-03 01:15 10.7 1
40400477 Z CAM SWT 2449779.5521 1995-03-03 01:15 10.5 1
38591094 RX AND LBG 2449779.5556 1995-03-03 01:20 13.9 1
38591095 RX AND SAH 2449779.5580 1995-03-03 01:23 14.0 1
40255356 U GEM MRV 2449779.5580 1995-03-03 01:23 12.4 1
38786778 AR AND SAH 2449779.5610 1995-03-03 01:27 14.5 1
38786779 AR AND LBG 2449779.5653 1995-03-03 01:34 12.9 1