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Found 2841 records.

# Target Observer Julian Date UTC Date Magnitude Type
40339286 YZ CNC SWT 2449779.5681 1995-03-03 01:38 14.4 1
40400478 Z CAM BRJ 2449779.5681 1995-03-03 01:38 10.7 1
40400479 Z CAM LBG 2449779.5688 1995-03-03 01:39 11.1 1
40255357 U GEM LBG 2449779.5743 1995-03-03 01:46 13.9 1
40255358 U GEM SAH 2449779.5780 1995-03-03 01:52 14.2 1
40255359 U GEM BRJ 2449779.5819 1995-03-03 01:57 14.4 1
40339287 YZ CNC SAH 2449779.5820 1995-03-03 01:58 13.8 1
40339288 YZ CNC BRJ 2449779.5826 1995-03-03 01:58 14.9 1
40255360 U GEM ZRE 2449779.5880 1995-03-03 02:06 14.3 2
40255361 U GEM VJF 2449779.5900 1995-03-03 02:09 13.8 1
40400480 Z CAM SAH 2449779.5910 1995-03-03 02:11 10.5 1
40339289 YZ CNC ZRE 2449779.5930 1995-03-03 02:13 14.4 2
40400481 Z CAM ZRE 2449779.6010 1995-03-03 02:25 10.9 2
40255362 U GEM HTY 2449779.6124 1995-03-03 02:41 14.4 1
40339290 YZ CNC HTY 2449779.6208 1995-03-03 02:53 15.0 1
40400482 Z CAM KWO 2449779.6354 1995-03-03 03:14 11.0 1
40400483 Z CAM JLT 2449779.6597 1995-03-03 03:49 10.8 1
44464974 SS CYG KWO 2449779.6597 1995-03-03 03:49 12.1 1
43465227 EM CYG JLT 2449779.6749 1995-03-03 04:11 13.7 1
44464975 SS CYG JLT 2449779.6770 1995-03-03 04:14 12.1 1
42685596 AM HER JLT 2449779.6868 1995-03-03 04:28 13.1 1
40255363 U GEM KB 2449779.7146 1995-03-03 05:09 14.1 1
40255364 U GEM AB 2449779.8030 1995-03-03 07:16 13.3 1
40339291 YZ CNC AB 2449779.8040 1995-03-03 07:17 12.0 1
38907892 WX HYI JA 2449779.8542 1995-03-03 08:30 13.2 1