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Found 2841 records.

# Target Observer Julian Date UTC Date Magnitude Type
40339343 YZ CNC DPL 2449783.5368 1995-03-07 00:52 14.0 1
40339344 YZ CNC SWT 2449783.5438 1995-03-07 01:03 13.6 1
40255447 U GEM BRJ 2449783.5451 1995-03-07 01:04 14.3 1
40339345 YZ CNC BRJ 2449783.5500 1995-03-07 01:11 14.9 1
40255448 U GEM VMT 2449783.5600 1995-03-07 01:26 14.2 1
40400544 Z CAM SWT 2449783.5611 1995-03-07 01:27 10.4 1
40400545 Z CAM MKJ 2449783.5743 1995-03-07 01:46 10.5 1
1266557418 AM HER PYG 2449783.5812 1995-03-07 01:56 13.4 1
40255449 U GEM MRU 2449783.6000 1995-03-07 02:24 13.3 1
44464997 SS CYG VMT 2449783.6080 1995-03-07 02:35 12.2 1
40400546 Z CAM DPA 2449783.6260 1995-03-07 03:01 10.7 1
43465233 EM CYG VMT 2449783.6280 1995-03-07 03:04 12.4 1
43465234 EM CYG DPA 2449783.6350 1995-03-07 03:14 12.4 1
44464998 SS CYG DPA 2449783.6350 1995-03-07 03:14 12.1 1
40255450 U GEM KB 2449783.6458 1995-03-07 03:29 13.8 1
40255451 U GEM PMA 2449783.7000 1995-03-07 04:48 14.2 2
40255452 U GEM AB 2449783.7650 1995-03-07 06:21 13.3 1
40339346 YZ CNC AB 2449783.7660 1995-03-07 06:23 12.5 1
40400547 Z CAM BTH 2449783.7736 1995-03-07 06:33 10.4 1
40255453 U GEM BTH 2449783.7812 1995-03-07 06:44 13.3 1
40339347 YZ CNC BTH 2449783.7868 1995-03-07 06:52 12.3 1
40255454 U GEM RR 2449783.8000 1995-03-07 07:11 13.8 1
40400548 Z CAM RR 2449783.8000 1995-03-07 07:11 10.2 1
57695887 VW HYI HGC 2449783.8350 1995-03-07 08:02 13.1 1
57700647 WX HYI HGC 2449783.8370 1995-03-07 08:05 12.8 1