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Found 2841 records.

# Target Observer Julian Date UTC Date Magnitude Type
40339382 YZ CNC TBA 2449786.5729 1995-03-10 01:44 12.3 1
40339383 YZ CNC TDB 2449786.5757 1995-03-10 01:49 13.0 1
40255511 U GEM TDB 2449786.5792 1995-03-10 01:54 14.0 1
40255512 U GEM VMT 2449786.5850 1995-03-10 02:02 14.0 1
40255513 U GEM TBA 2449786.5854 1995-03-10 02:02 12.6 1
40339384 YZ CNC HK 2449786.5861 1995-03-10 02:03 12.8 1
40255514 U GEM MKJ 2449786.5902 1995-03-10 02:09 13.7 1
40255515 U GEM RPR 2449786.5931 1995-03-10 02:14 13.3 1
40339385 YZ CNC MKJ 2449786.5944 1995-03-10 02:15 12.8 1
40400602 Z CAM HK 2449786.5958 1995-03-10 02:17 11.7 1
39145985 EF ERI YRK 2449786.5960 1995-03-10 02:18 13.5 1
44465009 SS CYG DPA 2449786.5970 1995-03-10 02:19 12.5 1
38591169 RX AND CMP 2449786.5972 1995-03-10 02:19 11.6 1
40339386 YZ CNC DPA 2449786.5990 1995-03-10 02:22 13.6 1
43465241 EM CYG BSM 2449786.6000 1995-03-10 02:24 12.5 1
44465010 SS CYG BSM 2449786.6000 1995-03-10 02:24 11.9 1
40255516 U GEM GHD 2449786.6007 1995-03-10 02:25 13.0 1
40255517 U GEM YRK 2449786.6020 1995-03-10 02:26 13.8 1
40339387 YZ CNC RPR 2449786.6028 1995-03-10 02:28 13.3 1
38591170 RX AND YRK 2449786.6030 1995-03-10 02:28 11.7 1
43465242 EM CYG DPA 2449786.6040 1995-03-10 02:29 12.3 1
40255518 U GEM HAV 2449786.6049 1995-03-10 02:31 14.0 1
38786815 AR AND YRK 2449786.6060 1995-03-10 02:32 12.1 1
38997943 RW TRI YRK 2449786.6060 1995-03-10 02:32 13.2 1
40255519 U GEM SCE 2449786.6076 1995-03-10 02:34 13.7 1