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Found 555 records.

# Target Observer Julian Date UTC Date Magnitude Type
1294464691 UU AQL HFEA 2459797.3937 2022-08-05 21:26 16.808 2
1294464894 UU AQL MGW 2459797.8910 2022-08-06 09:23 16.590 2
1294469001 UU AQL CDZ 2459798.3877 2022-08-06 21:18 16.356 2
1294494845 UU AQL MUY 2459797.4569 2022-08-05 22:57 14.3 1
1294496717 UU AQL MGW 2459798.8913 2022-08-07 09:23 16.665 2
1294496925 Uu Aql MJZ 2459793.4506 2022-08-01 22:48 13.5 1
1294497171 Uu Aql MJZ 2459794.4381 2022-08-02 22:30 13.1 1
1294497538 UU AQL PMAV 2459797.4404 2022-08-05 22:34 16.622 2
1294500293 UU AQL HMB 2459798.6118 2022-08-07 02:41 17.202 2
1294500294 UU AQL HMB 2459798.6122 2022-08-07 02:41 16.627 2
1294505937 UU AQL DFS 2459795.4937 2022-08-03 23:50 16.821 2
1294506062 UU AQL DFS 2459796.4931 2022-08-04 23:50 16.628 2
1294506257 UU AQL DFS 2459797.4917 2022-08-05 23:48 16.814 2
1294506525 UU AQL DFS 2459798.4931 2022-08-06 23:50 16.779 2
1294506712 UU AQL DFS 2459799.4901 2022-08-07 23:45 16.959 2
1294506890 Uu Aql MJZ 2459795.4277 2022-08-03 22:15 13.5 1
1294510017 UU AQL CDZ 2459799.3862 2022-08-07 21:16 16.873 2
1294511818 UU AQL MGW 2459800.1189 2022-08-08 14:51 16.651 2
1294514809 UU AQL HMB 2459799.6089 2022-08-08 02:36 16.778 2
1294514810 UU AQL HMB 2459799.6092 2022-08-08 02:37 16.938 2
1294516194 UU AQL MUY 2459799.4542 2022-08-07 22:54 14.0 1
1294518258 UU AQL MMAO 2459800.4063 2022-08-08 21:45 16.428 2
1294518888 UU AQL DFS 2459800.4903 2022-08-08 23:46 16.457 2
1294529154 UU AQL HMB 2459800.6062 2022-08-09 02:32 16.773 2
1294529155 UU AQL HMB 2459800.6066 2022-08-09 02:33 16.873 2