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Found 71 records

# Target Observer Julian Date UTC Date Magnitude Uncertainty Band Type
1 SSS 100511:061754-362655 DEY 2460012.5245 2023-03-09 00:35 17.5 0.124 Johnson V CCD
2 SSS 100511:061754-362655 DEY 2460013.5303 2023-03-10 00:43 18.101 0.027 Johnson V CCD
3 SSS 100511:061754-362655 DEY 2460015.5225 2023-03-12 00:32 17.666 0.190 Johnson V CCD
4 SSS 100511:061754-362655 DEY 2460018.5150 2023-03-15 00:21 17.6 0.270 Johnson V CCD
5 SSS 100511:061754-362655 BNK 2460019.1040 2023-03-15 14:29 15.0 N/A Visual Visual
6 SSS 100511:061754-362655 DEY 2460019.5166 2023-03-16 00:23 16.298 0.083 Johnson V CCD
7 SSS 100511:061754-362655 DEY 2460022.5204 2023-03-19 00:29 14.876 0.067 Johnson V CCD
8 SSS 100511:061754-362655 DEY 2460023.5196 2023-03-20 00:28 14.511 0.037 Johnson V CCD
9 SSS 100511:061754-362655 DEY 2460023.5342 2023-03-20 00:49 14.631 0.032 Johnson V CCD
10 SSS 100511:061754-362655 PDM 2460020.3111 2023-03-16 19:27 15.7124 0.0531 Johnson V CCD
11 SSS 100511:061754-362655 PDM 2460020.3169 2023-03-16 19:36 15.6706 0.0350 Johnson V CCD
12 SSS 100511:061754-362655 PDM 2460022.3125 2023-03-18 19:30 15.0904 0.0149 Johnson V CCD
13 SSS 100511:061754-362655 PDM 2460022.3184 2023-03-18 19:38 15.1029 0.0140 Johnson V CCD
14 SSS 100511:061754-362655 PDM 2460023.3130 2023-03-19 19:30 14.8652 0.0192 Johnson V CCD
15 SSS 100511:061754-362655 PDM 2460023.3188 2023-03-19 19:39 14.8639 0.0144 Johnson V CCD
16 SSS 100511:061754-362655 NLX 2460025.9228 2023-03-22 10:08 15.01 0.01 Unfiltered with V Zeropoint CCD
17 000-BKT-943 SRX 2460025.9104 2023-03-22 09:50 15.3 N/A Visual Visual
18 000-BKT-943 SRX 2460026.0299 2023-03-22 12:43 15.4 N/A Visual Visual
19 000-BKT-943 SRX 2460026.0868 2023-03-22 14:04 15.4 N/A Visual Visual
20 SSS 100511:061754-362655 DEY 2460024.5116 2023-03-21 00:16 14.682 0.060 Johnson V CCD
21 SSS 100511:061754-362655 DEY 2460024.5188 2023-03-21 00:27 14.692 0.032 Johnson V CCD
22 SSS 100511:061754-362655 DEY 2460024.5258 2023-03-21 00:37 14.700 0.027 Johnson V CCD
23 SSS 100511:061754-362655 DEY 2460024.5328 2023-03-21 00:47 14.714 0.022 Johnson V CCD
24 SSS 100511:061754-362655 DEY 2460024.5399 2023-03-21 00:57 14.696 0.026 Johnson V CCD
25 SSS 100511:061754-362655 DEY 2460024.5469 2023-03-21 01:07 14.716 0.026 Johnson V CCD