Variable Star Plotter

Field photometry for HR Lyr from the AAVSO Variable Star Database

Data includes all comparison stars within 0.15416666666666667° of RA: 18:53:25.06 [283.35441667°] & Dec: 29:13:37.7 [29.22713889°]

Report this sequence as X38518KF in the chart field of your observation report.

AUID RA Dec Label V B-V Comments
000-BLS-958 18:53:49.83 [283.45761108°] 29:14:40.3 [29.24452782°] 112 11.215 (0.007)29 0.686 (0.046)
000-BLS-959 18:53:18.74 [283.32809448°] 29:19:52.0 [29.33111191°] 117 11.733 (0.031)18 0.650 (0.060)
000-BCD-531 18:53:32.89 [283.38705444°] 29:11:41.7 [29.19491577°] 121 12.097 (0.035)18 0.653 (0.059)
000-BLS-957 18:53:12.14 [283.30059814°] 29:07:03.0 [29.11750031°] 124 12.439 (0.028)18 0.911 (0.042)
000-BLS-952 18:53:08.80 [283.28665161°] 29:13:05.2 [29.21811104°] 128 12.804 (0.027)18 0.843 (0.040)
000-BLS-955 18:53:55.59 [283.48162842°] 29:12:05.7 [29.20158386°] 132 13.216 (0.026)18 0.652 (0.040)
000-BLS-956 18:54:00.19 [283.50079346°] 29:11:02.7 [29.18408394°] 134 13.417 (0.025)18 0.712 (0.039)
000-BLS-954 18:53:42.31 [283.42630005°] 29:11:36.0 [29.19333267°] 138 13.839 (0.025)18 0.756 (0.040)
000-BLS-953 18:53:27.35 [283.36395264°] 29:11:29.4 [29.19149971°] 140 13.955 (0.024)18 0.888 (0.038)
000-BCD-528 18:53:29.68 [283.37365723°] 29:13:15.3 [29.22091675°] 143 14.293 (0.026)18 0.714 (0.040)
000-BCD-521 18:53:22.84 [283.34515381°] 29:15:03.7 [29.25102806°] 146 14.579 (0.026)18 0.704 (0.041)
000-BCD-515 18:53:13.53 [283.30636597°] 29:15:16.3 [29.25452805°] 151 15.056 (0.025)18 0.690 (0.040)
000-BCD-527 18:53:29.36 [283.37234497°] 29:14:29.8 [29.24161148°] 156 15.607 (0.039)18 0.725 (0.059)
000-BKP-099 18:53:17.96 [283.3248291°] 29:12:27.6 [29.2076664°] 159 15.872 (0.034)18 0.753 (0.051)
000-BKP-100 18:53:32.07 [283.38363647°] 29:14:18.4 [29.23844528°] 162 16.215 (0.026)18 0.698 (0.048)
000-BKP-101 18:53:26.72 [283.36132812°] 29:12:14.0 [29.20388794°] 167 16.717 (0.038)18 0.774 (0.068)
000-BKP-102 18:53:20.87 [283.33694458°] 29:14:39.9 [29.24441719°] 171 17.053 (0.037)18 1.031 (0.110)
000-BCD-524 18:53:27.04 [283.3626709°] 29:13:41.3 [29.22813988°] 180 17.990 (0.383)10 0.786 (0.631)
  • AUID is the AAVSO Unique Identifier for the star. When reporting a problem, please include this AUID.
  • Coordinates are in J2000 sexagesimal format, followed by decimal degrees
  • Search for variable stars in this field via VSX
  • Label is that star's label when plotted on an AAVSO chart, usually (but not always) its V magnitude rounded to the nearest tenth.

Source Reference Table

Footnote Source Footnote Source Footnote Source
1 Tycho-2 17 ASAS 33 SRO50
2 GSC 1.2 18 SRO 34 K35
3 GSC 2.2 19 NA 35 Landolt2007
4 USNO A2.0 20 GCPD 36 Landolt2009
5 USNO B1.0 21 SDSS 37 BSM_S
6 GCVS 4.2 22 BSC 38 UCAC3
8 2MASS 24 WBVR 40 BSM-Hamren
9 AAVSO Charts 25 DENIS 41 BSM_Berry
10 CCD Henden 26 CMC14 42 TMO61
11 Downes 27 RRLyr 43 VSX
12 Hipparcos 28 BSM_NM 44 COKER30
13 HD 29 APASS 45 BSM_HQ
14 NSV 30 W28 46 Pan-STARRS
15 ACP 0.9 31 W30 47 Landolt2013
16 TASS 32 OC61 48 GAIA DR2